Thursday, December 1, 2011

Brooklyn Museum Reaction

During the exhibition event, Youth and Beauty: Art of the American Twenties, many artists work was displaced. One artist caught my eye. His name was Aaron Doughlas who painted “Congo”. Even though, his name was in my mind while looking the works of other artists who done their work beautifully. But when I looked at Doughlas’s painting, it reminded me of jazz. Jazz the popular music of 1920s, where people love to dance to the music and listen to it every day of each minute. Jazz is still known today even though we are in 19th century, elderly or the music lovers will never forget the music and rhythm of jazz. Therefore, I believe that “Congo” can identify as cultural beliefs.

While seeing another exhibit, Sanford Biggers, I came across another work that caught my attention was “Cheshire”. While looking at Cheshire, I can see that it symbolize the grin of the tooth with the movie Alice in Wonderland. The Sanford exhibition, points out the works of symbol. For example, Sweet Funk-An Introspective, can understand that the Sandford’s observation of jazz, or can be identified as a depression/fear or any kind of resource that could tell the meaning of “funk”. To my knowledge, the creation of art can bring up the African Americans’ of label of laughing. If people are enjoying, then the message from the biggers can bring out the fear, sadness, and worrisome for the people. In my opinion, funk represents a type of music similar to jazz, the identity of the culture.

Another example of the culture identity will be of The Latino List. In this, another exhibition named Timothy Greenfield, had a pictures of the famous stars from the Hispanic. The photo that amazed me the most was of Eva Longoria. In my opinion, she is very stunning and gifted.

All the works that I have discussed can see the difference of the cultural identities. These exhibitions, couldn’t be repudiated because it has an individuality of the photograph of a simple dance, or the single picture shared with the similar cultural background.

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